Foundational principles and tools of AHG to equip and partner with volunteers, 
creating a culture for girls to walk in the authority of their calling in the Kingdom.

September 2021

Girl and Adult Member Registration

Girl and Adult Member Registration occurs annually. Members should reregister by September 30 in order to continue participating in faith, service, and fun! New girls and adults are welcomed and encouraged to become members of AHG at any point during a Program Year. In order to participate, each girl and adult needs to complete member registration before they can be a part of a local Troop. Members of AHG receive many benefits including:

  • Participation in a local Troop
  • Covered by AHG group liability insurance
  • Can participate in Multi-Troop and National Events
  • Receive access to resources such as The Jump and RightNow Media
  • E-subscription to the AHG quarterly magazine, Heritage Headlines
  • Access to AHG’s strategic partners
  • Access to AHG's National Pen Pal Program
  • Access to special, free virtual events
  • Any many more!

If there are girl or adult participants in a local Troop that have not become an AHG Registered Member, the Charter and potentially volunteers will be held liable if anything were to occur during Troop meetings and activities.

Potential members are welcome to visit a Troop meeting before joining, however, they must become members if they express an interest to participate in any further meetings or activities with the Troop. If you need any assistance with registering girl or adult members, please contact your Hometown Mentor or Troop Coach.


In the AHG Program, leadership roles exist at every Program Level. Girls have the opportunity to make every day count for the glory of God by following the model of servant leadership Christ provides. Girls discover their passions, acquire project management skills, hold leadership positions, and participate in leadership trainings. 

Adult Members have the joy of walking alongside girls as they learn to lead through the many experiences encountered during Troop meetings, activities, and training sessions. These opportunities allow a girl to recognize her abilities and stretch her to grow in her gifting while learning new skills. Adult Members have the opportunity to lead by example by showing girls how to resolve conflict, plan effectively, and be resourceful when encountering the unexpected in leadership.

To equip you with implementing this Program Emphasis, AHGresource is furnished with tools such as A Christ-Centered Balanced and Progressive Program, and Program Emphases Overview. The 2020 AHG Girl Handbooks each provide a page of information which is a great way to begin the conversation on this topic with the girls. (TH/EX, Page 32; PI/PA, Page 38)

Training Volunteers

The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Proverbs 18:15, NIV

The goal of training is to provide the resources and transfer the attitudes, competency, and knowledge necessary for the volunteer to do their ministry effectively. This definition was developed by Newell and Associates and demonstrates why training is essential for every AHG volunteer. Every girl in the American Heritage Girls Program needs and deserves a volunteer who understands the Mission and Vision of AHG and knows how to deliver it with enthusiasm and fun-in short, a trained, equipped leader. 

Research shows that youth with trained volunteers enjoy their program more and stay in a program longer. How effectively the American Heritage Girls Ministry can influence the lives of youth depends to a large degree on the ability of volunteers and their understanding of their role. Volunteers who know the “whys” and “how’s” of their positions will be more effective and, as a result, will be able to realize the AHG Mission of “building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.”

Exodus 4:10-11 states that “when the Lord calls, He equips.” This reference, in context, is surrounding God’s calling of Moses to approach Pharoah and insist that he set the Israelites free from slavery. Moses knew all too well his inadequacies, but God assured Moses of His power and ability to change the course of history. So often we as AHG Ministry workers feel just like Moses, incapable and unworthy. We must remember God’s promise of equipping which comes through God Himself, His word, through prayer, and through the sharing of knowledge with other believers. 

To access AHG trainings and workshops, visit AHGresource and download the AHGequip app.  Find a mentor who is a seasoned AHG volunteer, and you can reach out to your Hometown Mentor or Troop Coach. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5, NIV

-Patti Garibay, AHG Founder & Executive Director

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 

1 Peter 2:4-5, NIV

Looking for previous editions of AHG Cornerstone? 
Below are all available months for review!

American Heritage Girls | 35 Tri-County Parkway | Cincinnati, OH 45246 | (513) 771-2025